Frequently asked questions

Have a any series more value than another?

No, all series are part of the full collection. General functionality will be the same for all series.

Why are you dropping in series instead of just

As our work is hand-drawn, that means to draw each character and take care in a lot of details, this is not randomized by the computer. This requires a lot of effort and time, as such we decided to divided the full collection in many series.

How many series will be?

We have planned to be 11 series unless the community vote for expanding the project.

Can I lost a Galgo during a quest?

Yes! but we will make sure that it will worth it. On a battle the less rare galgo can be lost, just start to prepare some uncommons or commons.

What types of keys the Series 1 Galgos have?

All black keys.

Why there is a limited number of uses for the items and the keys?

Because not doing so it will defeat the purpose of any the game. Which game with infinite lives is interesting?

Good news is that there are many ways to obtain these items.

Last updated